As I previously mentioned, I’m taking part in Susannah Conway’s online workshop, Unravelling: Ways of Seeing My Self. Our first photography assignment was to photograph our feet. This is my favorite photo of the bunch I took this week.
On Thursday, February 19th, J returned home from his second deployment. I snapped this shot when I went to the base to pick him up. It’s so great to be a family once again.
On March 1st, Somewhere in Middle America will have a new URL — — so don’t forget to change your bookmarks! Until then I’m signing off to work on the blog’s new look and to prepare for my husband’s return from his deployment.
I leave you with one piece of news: My little sister got engaged in NYC on Friday the 13th! Congratulations, sis! I love you and V.
See you all in March!
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I’m looking to grow my library of self-improvement books. Can anybody recommend books in the following categories?
- Photography: Books on composition and lighting, Photoshop for beginners and the basics of digital SLRs
- Business: Books on goal setting and self-motivation and staying organized
- Crafting: Books with patterns for a beginner knitter and somebody who want to learn to crochet
Thanks for your help!
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This morning I woke up and wished my husband was in bed next to me. Not because it’s Valentine’s Day, but because I was feeling sick and wanted him to take me to the doctor. My throat was sore and I had a low-grade fever. Convinced I had strep throat, I made an appointment to see my doctor though I was hesitant about going because I didn’t know how bad the roads would be after yesterday’s snowstorm. Unfortunately, I had no choice but to get in the SUV and drive. Thankfully, the streets weren’t as dangerous as I had feared.
Luckily my strep test came back negative, which means I don’t have to cancel my afternoon and evening plans with my girlfriends. We’re getting haircuts, having Chinese food for dinner and seeing Confessions of a Shopaholic.
I hope you have a lovely Valentine’s Day!
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