This afternoon my friend Jamie came over to help me organize my office and hang up some artwork. We spent two hours categorizing a large box of papers and other mementos. For most of the items in the box I was able to find a home, but I still need to come up with an easy and effective way to file important documents, papers and newspaper/magazine articles.
How do you organize your paperwork? Do you use a large filing cabinet, a portable filing box or a multipocket expanding file? Do you keep all of your receipts or just those for large purchases? Please share your organization secrets! I’m desperately trying to get (and stay) organized.
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After reading about it on Decor8, I immediately signed up for English photographer Susannah Conway‘s self-exploratory e-course, Unravelling: Ways of Seeing My Self. It was a pretty uncharacteristic move on my part, as I have a history of not following through with online classes, but I was so intrigued by the premise of Susannah’s course. Through photography and writing assignments, participants will exercise their creativity and gain an better sense of self-awareness, two things I am itching to do.
From Susannah’s website:
We’ll be using the camera as a tool to unlock how we see not only ourselves but also the world we live in, including the immediate surrounds of our homes, places of work and our friends and family. We’ll delve into the past and turn our thoughts towards the future.
There will also be writing prompts and exercises that will support your photo projects and encourage greater self-awareness. Some of the assignments and exercises you’ll find quite easy; others you may find more challenging. My aim is to help you really see yourself and begin to tell your story. By the end of the course you’ll have a new appreciation for your one wild and precious life. You’ll also have a set of images that provide a fascinating insight into who you truly are.
If this interests you, there may still be room to sign up. How fun would it be to do this together!
Yesterday I had a delicious oxygen facial at Absolute Serenity Day Spa in Omaha. I can use the adjective “delicious” to describe my facial because my aesthetician used the adjective “yummy” to describe all of the products she used. A yummy pumpkin enzyme scrub. A yummy Vitamin C serum. She even gave me a yummy facial massage and instructed me to drift off to “La La” land during it. So I did.
All kidding aside, I loved being pampered for the hour and was so impressed with the results. My normally dry skin was plump with moisture, and my faint forehead lines and crows feet were nearly invisible. If only I could afford to purchase the Cellex-C products she used on my face. I would be wrinkle free forever!
If anybody is ever wondering what to get me for a special occasion, I’ll gladly take a gift certificate for another facial. It was bliss.
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What’s amazing about my nursery school class photo from 1984 is that, 15 years later, I’m Facebook friends with 11 of my old classmates, and at least four of us, including me, are married or have a baby. Plus, one of the girls in the photo was a bridesmaid at my May 2008 wedding and two others were guests!
Extra credit if you can pick me out from the group.
This isn’t a “How To” article on hiring a web designer; it’s a “How Do I?” post. I need to hire a graphic/web designer for a blog project I’m brainstorming, but I’m not sure how to go about doing that. I know a couple of designers, but I need to know what important questions to ask them before I make a decision. So… what questions should I ask prospective designers?
If anybody reading this is a blog designer and would be interested in talking to me about my upcoming project, please send me an email and include some FAQs about your business and a link to your portfolio.
Thanks for your help!
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I’m sad to report that Domino, one of my favorite shelter magazines, has folded.
From New York magazine:
“This decision to cease publication of the magazine and its website is driven entirely by the economy,” Condé Nast CEO Chuck Townsend says in a press release that went out just now. “Although readership and advertising response was encouraging in the early years, we have concluded that this economic market will not support our business expectations.”
What does that mean for those of us with subscriptions? Do we get our money back?
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If you don’t live in Washington, DC you probably haven’t heard the story of a famous violinist, Joshua Bell, posing as a street musician at a metro station. You can read a summary of what happened here. It was a fascinating social experiment.
(via I Heart You)
I absolutely believe this to be true. You?
(image via Creature Comforts)
How About Orange posted a link to a creativity quiz on her blog today, and I had just to give it a shot. Turns out I’m “Eyes Wide Open” just like Jessica. I realize you’re supposed to take the results of these types of quizzes with a grain of salt, but I think the way my creativity is described is rather accurate.
How I Create:
Your strength lies in your ability to capture your own thoughts and in turn capture the minds of others.
How I Think:
You have a very visual perspective on life. You like your world to be drenched in beauty. The aesthetic is your priority.
Take the quiz, and share your results!
(image via How About Orange)
Silly, silly me. This whole time I’ve been telling people that my Twitter name is @pjinomaha, when I had actually misspelled it in my profile, adding an additional “J.” So if you are friends with @pjinjomaha (see that extra “J” after the “N”), please make sure to re-friend me and my properly spelled name:
Kudos to my coney for catching my error.
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