Babies | SIMA

Well, friends, we made it through another week! And this was a particularly memorable week–one of my closest friends in Omaha gave birthday to a big, beautiful baby boy yesterday. I’m especially giddy this morning because I get to meet him today, and his parents asked me if I would take his first “professional” portraits next week. What an honor! I’ve been doing my research on newborn photography, learning the best positions for the baby and what equipment I’ll need. But if you have any experience photographing newborns, I’d love your suggestions.

On another note, do you enjoy these weekly round-ups? I know I don’t do them every week, and I’m debating whether to continue with them. I come across so much great content on the web every day that I want to share with you, but I’m wondering if these types of posts disrupt the “flow” of my blog. (Does my blog even have a flow?) I’d love to hear your thoughts, so please leave your comments below. Or email me if you prefer: pj at somewhereinmiddleamerica dot com.

And now, the list:

From honey-colored waves or a bleach-blond pixie, Michelle Williams can do no wrong with her hair.

Am I jealous that this talented photographer is only 19? You bet! (via Creature Comforts)

I have never been to Maine, but I would go just for a McLobster.

These book clocks are so brilliant. One would look terrific in my living room. (via A Merry Mishap)

Free downloads for fellow list-making lovers. (via Elizabeth Anne Designs Living)

I’m in the mood for A Little Romance.

When was the last time you had a really good cry?

Have you ever seen anything as darling as this embroidered cake? (PS: Happy birth day, Spencer!) (via Oh Happy Day)

Knitting takes too long; I need to learn how to crochet. (via Design*Sponge)

Again, please let me know what you think about this weekly series (or any of my posts). I’m in the process of considering a blog revamp and could use your good advice.

Today feels like the perfect Fall day. Woke up to temperatures in the low 60s, and the high temp, as predicted by my fave, Rusty Lord, will be near 75 degrees. What a way to usher in Labor Day Weekend!

Do you have big plans for the holiday weekend? I have nothing on my calendar yet, but I’m hoping that will change. I do not want to sit around on my bum for three days, sulking because J isn’t home. This is exactly the reason why I like to make plans in advance — I love having something to look forward to! Blank pages in my calendar make me sad. Do you agree?

On to the list:

A new source for affordable art — plus a giveaway! (via Please Sir)

Emily and I have the same desk. So why doesn’t mine look as stylish as hers? (PS: I want a Ghost chair!)

If I had an extra $1,000, I would buy a Satomi Kawakita ring in a heartbeat. (via Unruly Things)

Briscoe would never do what Uki did.

I need to look for some eggplants at the farmer’s market this weekend.

Oscar has the most adorable handmade denim trousers.

Would you wear two belts at the same time?

Joy’s dining room is a work in progress, but I already love it.

Kate Spade Publishing.

Truthfully, I think J and I are a pretty cool couple.

(image of gorgeous allium flowers via)

Yesterday two friends and I co-hosted a baby shower at my house for J and D. They are having a boy, so we chose to decorate with baby blue and spring green. Aren’t those hydrangeas absolutely gorgeous? They came from Costco and Whole Foods, and the adorable baby-themed cookies were made by Bianca’s Creative Cookies. At the end of the two-hour party, we wrapped up the leftover cookies for the 18 guests to take home as favors.

It was actually a co-ed shower, so we did our best to keep it guy-friendly. We served plenty of beer (in addition to mimosas and sparkling juice) and played a non-cheesy baby trivia game. L and I had tons of fun brainstorming questions on our 5.5 hour drive to Minneapolis in July.

There are so many things you need to have to care for and entertain a newborn, and J & D received many generous gifts from their friends and co-workers. One of my faves was this super soft baby blanket that my mom knitted for the parents-to-be. Isn’t it gorgeous? (Yes, I biased.) I keep telling her to open a shop on Etsy or something to sell them since she loves making them and has plenty of time to knit now that she’s retired!

One of the best parts of the shower was spending time with my fellow hostesses to plan the event. They are both so creative, and I think we gave Martha Stewart a run for her money!

L, you’re next…

Is it sad that one of the highlights of my week was learning that Dairy Queen now offers a mini Blizzard? Now I can feel less guilty when eating ice cream for dinner, which is something I sometimes do when J is deployed.

What do you have on the agenda for the weekend? On Sunday, two friends and I are throwing a co-ed baby shower at my house, so this week has been all about planning, planning, planning. I’ll be sure to post photos of the party next week.

Here are some of my fave posts from around the web:

I respectfully disagree with number 15.

I also disagree with my mom, who thinks these posed newborn portraits are ridiculous. (And I love the sock monkey hat.)

Get your $12 magazine subscription while supplies last!

For all the mommies-to-be out there, the coolest crib ever. (via I *Heart* You)

What men would have to endure if we lived in a “gynocracy.”

I already have Facebook and Twitter accounts. Now I need to use Tumblr, too?

Speaking of social media… perhaps you want to rethink using Foursquare.

A very clever Fomato birthday card.

I’m not over the embroidery-as-art trend, are you? (via HeySusy*)

At my 31st birthday bash in March 2011 (save the date, it’s gonna be HUGE!), I want a balloon release and cake bunting. (Got it, J?)

Finally, Mazel Tov to my friends Miriam and Jon, who are the proud new parents of a beautiful baby girl!

(In honor of babies and balloons… image via Mila’s Daydreams, yet another blog that makes me wonder when I’m going to come up with my own brilliantly creative idea.)

Goal: Become a Mom

When I turned 20 I assumed that within the next ten years I’d have at least one child. Well, I’ll be celebrating the big 3-0 in two short weeks, I can say with certainty that I will not be fulfilling my twenty-year-old self’s prophecy – not before I turn 30 and not in the next 9 months.

Still, I have babies on the brain. It seems that everyone I know is having a baby: high school classmates, friends from college, former roommates, Air Force wives, even bloggers I follow. I’m not gonna lie; it’s disappointing to me that I’m not where I thought I’d be at this point in my life, and I can’t help but feel a teensy bit jealous of my pregnant peers (but still very, very happy for them).

I have to accept that if it wasn’t meant to be in my twenties, it wasn’t meant to be. Despite the fact that everyone, including myself, seems to be obsessed with the idea of being a “young mom,” I have to remind myself that the right time to have a baby is when you are emotionally and financially ready, not just when you are a certain age (aka “under 30″).

But now my biological clock is starting to make some noise, and I can sense that my maternal and nesting instincts are warming up. I’m beginning to feel like I’m ready to enter the next phase in my life. So one of my goals for my 30s is to have a baby (and eventually one or two more).

Tick, tock…

(image by me of a friend’s baby, July 2009)