link up: my fave posts from around the web | SIMA

I don’t know about you, but I’m ready for summer to end. It’s just been too dang hot, and the sooner it transitions to fall, the sooner I can start taking Briscoe on long neighborhood walks, the sooner my hair will stop frizzing, the sooner I can take photos outside without my camera lens fogging up and the sooner J returns home from his deployment. Really, J’s return is what I care about the most. It’s been a LONG (hot) summer without him.

What are your weekend plans? On Sunday we’re celebrating my friend L’s 30th birthday with brunch at The Woodcliff Restaurant in Freemont. I can personally attest to the fact that 30 is not as bad as people make it seem — or as I believed it would be. Actually, I will be turning 30 and A HALF in just over a month. Woot for making it almost halfway!

Now onto some of my favorite posts from around the web:

I have a girl crush on Christina Hendricks.

A clever photobooth proposal.

These candy colored mugs would brighten my morning — and my white dishware. (via Design*Sponge)

I miss Manhattan. (via MyConey)

Brunch is my favorite meal because of recipes like this.

One day I will have so many shoes that it will take me an entire afternoon to organize my designated shoe closet.

Another amazing tattoo.

PS – Happy Friday the 13th!

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