Last Friday night we got a couple of inches of snow–much to the delight of Briscoe, who loved playing in it the next day.
Briscoe sure does love snow.
And that’s a good thing because we might get 6 inches of the white stuff.
Inspired by a recent Craftstylish post on dog toys made out of sweaters, Lynn and I decided to get crafty on Sunday. She brought over her sewing machine; I borrowed one from another friend. We hit up Goodwill for some sweaters and Mangelson’s for some fill. When we went to PetSmart for the squeakies, we were disappointed to learn that they were all sold out! The salesgirl said they very rarely sell but that a women had just been in and bought them all. (She must be a Craftstylish reader, too!)
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PetSmart was having a 50% off sale on dog apparel, so I picked up a sweater and a jacket for the little man the other day. Don’t want him to be cold now that he’s without half of his fur coat!
Surprisingly, he was not too happy to model these fashionable new garments. It took forever to get him to stand still to take these shots.