2007 October | Somewhere in Middle America

In the same year that J proposed to me in Boston, the city where we both went to college, the Boston Red Sox won their second World Series in four seasons.

It was their 7th World Series win. The win last night also ended a seven-game winning streak that began in Cleveland with the ALCS.  Ahem, seven is my lucky number.

Note to the management: “Don’t Sign A-Rod!”

(images from nytimes.com, boston.com)

Obviously reality shows aren’t completely real, but I’m bummed to hear this about The Hills.

image from mtv.com

Oh my! And this, too!

When I got to the end of the new Williams-Sonoma catalog, I gasped out loud. “I want this!” I exclaimed. The brand spankin’ new Cuisinart Cup-O-Matic Coffeemaker uses either coffee pods or ground coffee to brew a single cup at a time. I’ve always wanted a Flavia machine, but the individual pods are so expensive. With the Cup-O-Matic, I can splurge on pods for specialty drinks but use regular ground coffee for my morning cup. I can’t wait for this to hit Bed, Bath & Beyond so I can add it to my registry!

On Shelterrific this morning, I learned about a new Dirt Devil KONE hand vacuum — a white illuminating version. I already liked it; it’s attractive enough that you don’t have to hide it in a closet, meaning it’s easier to get to when there’s a spill. Also, when something is in plain sight, I’m more apt to use it. But this new version does more than just sit in plain sight — it glows!

One other thing I’d love is a Missoni-inspired ripple throw blanket. I think something like this would be fun to snuggle under. Some people (aka J) think the pattern is obnoxious, but I see it as “playful vintage.” It could be made more modern depending on the color palette.

(image from Flickr)

Thank goodness I misread the time for “No Reservations” at the cheap-o movie theater last night. Instead of sitting through what would have been a lovely, yet bland, romantic dramedy, J and I picked up some Bronco’s (so ghetto!) and headed home to watch Game 7 of the ALCS championships.

We sat in front of the TV for hours. Every time the Red Sox made a good play, my arms shot up in the air and I “whooped.” We cheered and yelled along with the fans in the stands. We both wished we could’ve been there!

An 11-2 win over the Cleveland Indians. Next stop, World Series!

(Boston.com Photo / Steve Silva)

On Saturday J and I attended our first Huskers football game in Lincoln, NE. Although the team has been disappointing so far this season, every game is sold-out. I got our tickets from somebody I work with, who has season tickets. We got a ride to the game by a guy who belongs to our synagogue and parks in the VIP section right next to the stadium. Any closer and we’d have be getting out of the car straight onto the field. He and his son sat on the opposite end of the stadium, so J and I were free to explore the insanity that is a Huskers game all on our own.

You are not allowed into the stadium unless you’re wearing red. I think that’s the rule.

Corn heads. After all, their official name is the Nebraska Cornhuskers. Doesn’t that invoke the fear?

Coin flip. The Huskers were playing the Aggies from Texas A&M. “Aggies” is a dumb name, don’t you think? It’s not even a real word! It has something to do with the fact that A&M is an agricultural school.

We were given a red balloon to launch when the Huskers made their first touchdown, which happened during the first quarter. They made one more before halftime; they must have thought they played hard enough during the first half because when they came back to the field after halftime, they didn’t even try. It was an embarrassing defeat.

Up until the end of the third quarter, when it became obvious that the Huskers were going to lose, J and I had a great time! Plus, we only spent $11 on the whole experience (we splurged on stadium burgers and popcorn). We’re learning that it’s good (and not too difficult) to “know” people in Omaha. The guy who drove us to the game is a close, personal friend of Warren Buffett. Seriously.

Low: I spent over an hour stuffing envelopes about summer camp. 150 envelopes, stuffed with a letter and a catalog. Then I had to run each individual envelope through the stamp machine. Good thing I had lots of practice stuffing envelopes back when I was a publicity assistant at a publishing company.

Low: It’s still chilly and rainy.

High: The executive director just gave me two free tickets to this Saturday’s Huskers football game! And the weather is supposed to clear up! It’ll be my first live football experience (not counting high school games). Too bad the Huskers are terrible this year. Still, the game’s a sell-out. Note to self: must find something red to wear.

High: Some girls are coming over tonight for dinner and Grey’s Anatomy. By chance a couple of us missed last week’s episode, so over spaghetti and meatballs we’ll watch it before the new episode begins at 8pm. Isn’t that weird? I’m still not used to evening television beginning at 7pm. For the last year or so, 7pm meant watching Scrubs reruns on Comedy Central with Jenna. Now 7pm is Ugly Betty time.

High: Tomorrow’s Friday!

From The New York Times today.

That stretched-out meat patty (above left) doesn’t look too appetizing…  Actually, it kind of looks like a veggie burger, doesn’t it?

There’s a post on Design*Sponge’s guest blog today about Aboriginal art. (Does this mean that in the design world, Aboriginal art is now en vogue?) When I studied in Australia I picked up two pieces of Aboriginal art when I traveled to Alice Springs. Sadly, nobody I’ve lived with ever liked the paintings, so I refrained from hanging them up. Right now my biggest piece, which is maybe 18×20 or 20×24, is tucked away in our storage room, and the smaller piece might still be in NJ.

The ones I have are not as colorful as the paintings in the photograph above. I love how they look all grouped together.

I want my bedroom to look like this:

I love the color: yellow walls, the green chair, the white sheets, the black and white rug. I love how they used mismatching furniture for nightstands. I love how it’s kind of a girl’s room and kind of a guy’s room. I love how it looks put together yet not too overdone.

If you live in NYC you can check out this room in person at Conde Nast’s Dream House, which will be open Oct. 18 to Nov. 15. The Dream House is a townhouse “filled with everything to inspire you for your wedding day, and your life together,” according to the website. It’s eye candy for newlyweds and the newly engaged. I guess you’re supposed to see things that you want to add to your registry.

According to Something Old, Something New, the Dream House will be open to the public for tours, cocktail parties, classes and spa treatments.

It’s times like this I wish I didn’t live in the Midwest! I want to go!

A friend sent this to J yesterday…
