Amazing Outdoor Addition: Off-Grid Water Tower

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Is your family looking for a way to spend more time outdoors and enjoy the natural beauty of where you live? If so, an off-grid water tower is just what you need! This article will show you how to make one on your own. We’ll go over what materials are needed and we’ll talk about some of the benefits that come with this project. Let’s see how you can build one of these near your home!

What are Off-Grid Water Sources?

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An off-grid water source is a structure that allows people to collect and store their own drinking/cooking drinking water. The idea behind this type of system is simple: it collects the rainwater from your roof, stores it in a tank, and purifies the water as needed. It’s amazing what you can do if you’re willing to put in the effort.

Off-grid water towers are extremely useful for those who live off the grid or have limited access to fresh drinking water because they don’t require electricity, sewer lines, and/or a clean source of running tap water. It’s also great if you’re worried about the potential damage caused by natural disasters like floods or hurricanes.

Well Water vs. Rainwater

There are some great benefits to using off-grid water sources like well water or rainwater rather than tap water from the city. For example, cities have regulations about what can go into their public drinking supply because of issues with disease and contamination. The more people who use this source for their water, the higher risk there is for issues like this.

If you use rainwater or well water (which is what most people did before the city started providing them with tap water), it’s up to your family to make sure that everything goes smoothly. Make sure that the source of water doesn’t get contaminated and that things like bacteria, viruses, chemicals, contaminants, etc don’t end up in the water.

Lake Water

Similarly, you should be very careful about the source of your off-grid water tower’s lake water. You’ll want to make sure that it’s clean and doesn’t have any contaminants or diseases before using it for drinking purposes. Some people use a sand filter as an extra barrier between them and potential problems with their water supply.

What You’ll Need?

Most off-grid water towers are made using a tank that’s buried in the ground, but you can use anything from 55-gallon drums to old metal milk jugs. Essentially all you need is something that collects and stores your source of drinking/cooking water so it doesn’t get contaminated or evaporate easily. Remember that you’ll need to add a filtration system on the way down and some sort of purification system before it gets into your house.

The best off-grid water towers offer an endless supply of clean, safe drinking/cooking water without having to rely on public sources or expensive rainwater collection systems. This is why we recommend making one for your family today.

Why is it Important to Have a Natural Water Source?

Currently, over 780 million people do not have access to clean drinking water. Water is a precious resource that everyone needs daily. We can’t survive without it! If you are lucky enough to live near an accessible source of fresh flowing water then you should be very grateful. It’s important to conserve this life-giving resource.

If you are someone that likes to spend time outdoors then having an off-grid water tower will be a great addition to your property. You can easily store large amounts of water so there is no need for frequent trips with heavy jugs or buckets when everyone in the family wants some fresh, clean water.

Where to Place the Off-Grid Water Tower

This type of system is incredibly useful when you’re in a rural area that’s far from any cities or towns because it means your family won’t have to leave home if they need fresh drinking water. You can collect and store all the water you’ll need for showers, cooking, laundry, etc without ever leaving home.

However, it’s important to remember that the water tower needs to be close enough for you to access it easily but far away enough that your neighbors won’t see what you’re doing or complain about the fact that you have a large tank in your yard. A good rule of thumb is to place anything larger than 500 gallons at least 50 feet from your home.

Remember to take some time and build an off-grid water tower for your property! It will be beneficial in the long run because you’ll know that everyone at home has access to clean drinking water whenever they need it.

Reasons to Have a Water Tower on Your Property:

  • It’s easier than you think! Anyone can do it and the materials needed are not expensive at all
  • A perfect way to spend more time outdoors with your family or friends doing fun projects together, like building an off-grid house!
  • A water tower can hold several hundred gallons of fresh, clean drinking water for your family
  • Water towers are very sturdy and they will last a long time; it’s not something you need to worry about replacing often.

Material List: (this is just an example)

  • 500 gallon used water barrel ($35)
  • Ferro cement ($25)
  • Pump assembly ($125)
  • 12 volt DC water pump, submersible type (you may need to adjust this depending on the exact model you purchase. You can find one here. They range in price from $35 up to about $60.)  
  • pipe assembly ($15)
  • PVC primer and cement ($30)

Step by Step Directions

Now that you have a basic idea of what’s needed to build an off-grid water tower, let’s look at how it works. In order for this system to work properly, gravity will need to be your friend. Your water tower needs to be at least 20 feet above your home and that’s where the PVC piping will come into play. This is very important: you should not have a pump inside of your off-grid house! The reason for this is because it relies on gravity, which means if there isn’t enough room from the tank to your home then the pump will not be able to push water all the way up.

  • The first thing you’ll need to do is make sure that your off-grid house’s plumbing system can handle a few gallons of extra water (if it doesn’t already.) You’re going to want at least one drain in each room so that your water tower’s contents can leave the house. This is also a good time to install an off-the-grid shower if you don’t already have one!
  • Once this has been completed, it will be safe to build your off-grid water storage tank. Dig a hole that is deep enough for the bottom of the tank to be buried. You will need a few feet of clearance from your water tower’s opening to the ground.
  • Attach all PVC piping and fittings together so you have one long piece that can reach from where the barrel is buried, up above ground level, and down into your off-grid house at a height of at least 20 feet. (You may want to add a shut-off valve here in case you need to make adjustments.)
  • It’s time to assemble the water tower! This is where things get interesting and your family will probably enjoy helping out with this project. Mix up the cement according to package directions and begin adding it to the tank. Make sure you leave enough room for your water pump and pipe assembly!

–         after everything has dried, fill up your newly created off-grid water tower with fresh clean drinking water! You can even add a hand or solar pump if you want so that everyone in your family can enjoy some freshwater whenever they’d like.

Other Considerations: 

  • If you’re worried that your off-grid house doesn’t get enough sun then a solar option for the pump may be necessary. You can buy them at just about any home improvement store and they aren’t too expensive! They usually range in price from $35 to $60.
  • An off-the-grid water tower is a good idea if you live in an area where it rains infrequently so that you can store enough fresh, clean drinking water for your family when needed. Adding this feature will greatly improve life in your off-grid house!
  • This process will take a few days but it’s not difficult to do and your family will probably enjoy helping out!

How to Run Water to a Holding Tank?

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  • Dig a hole that is deep enough for the bottom of your off-grid water tower to be buried. Make sure you leave enough room above ground level so it can reach 20 feet high!
  • Attach all PVC piping and fittings together at one end. You will need this long piece to reach from where the barrel is buried up above ground level and down into your off-grid house at a height of 20 feet.
  • Mix the cement according to package directions and add it slowly to your tank while making sure you leave enough room for the pump! Make sure this has completely dried before adding water.
  • Fill your off-grid water tower with fresh clean drinking water! You can even add a hand or solar pump if you want so that everyone in your family can enjoy some freshwater whenever they’d like.

How High Should the Water be?

  • The proper height for off-grid water towers can vary depending on your house’s plumbing system. If you’re not sure, it’s always better to err on the side of caution and make it higher than lower!
  • You’re going to want at least one drain in each room so that your water tower’s contents can leave the house. This is also a good time to install an off-the-grid shower if you don’t already have one!
  • Once this has been completed, it will be safe to build your off-grid water storage tank. Dig a hole that is deep enough for the bottom of the tank to be buried. You will need a few feet of clearance from your water tower’s opening to ground level in order for everything to work properly.

How to Calculate the Tank’s Capacity?

  • The capacity of your off-grid water storage tank is going to depend on how many gallons per minute (GPM) the pump that you use can handle. Most pumps range from anywhere between one and five GPM so makes sure you take this into consideration before digging a hole for your new off-grid water tower.
  • The general rule of thumb is that you need to estimate how much water your home uses and then double it! This will give you a good idea about the off-grid house’s capacity which should be around 4000 gallons or more. You can always add additional storage later on if needed so don’t worry, it’s better to have more water than you need when living off the grid!
  • You can also look at how many people live in your home and do some quick math. Two adults use about 50 gallons of water per day whereas each child uses around 30 gallons or so. This is something that will be different for everyone so just do the best you can.

What are the Benefits of Having a Water Tower?

  • The most obvious benefit is that you’ll have fresh drinking water available whenever it’s needed. This means no more trips to the local grocery store and lugging heavy jugs back home!
  • They’re also great for those who live in areas where there isn’t a lot of precipitation because they can store enough freshwater for several months, even without rain.
  • Another good thing about off-grid water towers is that they aren’t difficult to build or maintain! It’s easy to add solar options if your house doesn’t get enough sunlight and it won’t cost you a lot of money (if any!) to maintain.
  • Off-grid water towers are also good for the environment because they reduce pollution caused by plastic bottles and it’s better to drink fresh, clean rainwater than tap water which can be full of impurities.

What are the Risks of Using a Water Tower?

  • One risk is that the water tank will break which is why it’s important to find a durable option.
  • Another problem might be leaks or spills, especially if your off-grid house doesn’t have any means of catching rainwater! This can lead to serious environmental problems and you’ll need to fix them right away.
  • A third risk is that you’ll have issues with evaporation which can lead to a build-up of minerals in your off-grid water storage tank. This isn’t life-threatening but it’s not good for the health and well-being of everyone who uses this system!

How to Take Care of Wastewater?

  • The best option is to put in an off-grid septic tank and a filter system.
  • A shallow pit may also work if your water source isn’t contaminated but it’s not ideal because of the human waste issue we mentioned earlier!
  • Alternatives to a septic tank include composting toilets which are great for off-grid homes because they don’t require water or electricity to work.
  • Chemical toilets also work but the process of emptying them is much more difficult and you’ll have lots of waste that you need to get rid of! It’s usually better not to use them.
  • If you don’t have an off-grid septic tank, it’s important to stay away from public sewers or cesspools because they can cause serious health problems if used incorrectly!

Filtration and Purification Systems for Off-Grid Homes

  • It’s important to look into different types of off-grid water filtration systems that are available for purchase.
  • Whole house filters can be useful if your area is known for having high levels of certain minerals in the ground, especially iron sulfide which is very dangerous! This type of water filter will help to get rid of these impurities and ensure that everyone in your home is safe.
  • Other options include under-the-sink filters which can be set up on any countertop or they can be mounted directly into the wall if you want them out of sight. It’s also possible to use a pitcher-style water filter that sits inside the refrigerator and doesn’t take up much room.

What is Rainwater Harvesting?

  • Rainwater harvesting involves collecting rain as it falls from the sky and storing it in an off-grid tank for later use so you don’t have to rely on other sources of fresh drinking water.
  • This is a great option for off-grid homes because it’s easy to collect, doesn’t require much space in your yard and you can use the rainwater in any way that you’d like! You don’t have to worry about contaminants or minerals in this type of fresh drinking water.
  • Rainwater harvesting is also a great choice if you have an off-grid home with solar power because it won’t cost any money to maintain or use!

What is the Best Option for Building an Off-Grid Water Tower?

The best option is a pre-fabricated water tank like this one:

  • These are usually made out of reinforced plastic or fiberglass and they come in all shapes, sizes, and colors!
  • They’re also very affordable which is good if you don’t want to spend a lot of money on your off-grid house.

It’s also possible to use rainwater for laundry, bathing, and other household chores. It’ll definitely be a big change from lugging heavy jugs back home!

Off-Grid Toilets: Should You Consider Them?

  • If you don’t want to deal with septic tanks or chemical toilets, off-grid toilets are a good alternative. They work by using electricity which powers the system that flushes waste into an attached tank!
  • Off-grid toilets aren’t for everyone because they require power in order to work which means you’ll need solar or wind energy, not just electricity.
  • They’re also more expensive than off-grid septic tanks and toilets because of all the additional parts needed! This might be a good option if your budget is tight but it’s definitely not the best one.

Should You Open for Cistern Systems?

  • Open cisterns are good if you don’t want to store your water inside.
  • They usually work by storing rainwater in a large tank and letting gravity pull the liquid through the system which means no pumps or electricity is needed!
  • It’s important to have a large tank to collect water in because this is what enables the system to work.
  • It’s also important that you have enough space near your off-grid house for an open cistern like this one! If not, it might be better to opt for another option.

What is a Solar Powered Water Pump?

A solar-powered water pump can be plugged directly into your home’s off-grid electrical grid and used to pull fresh rainwater from an attached cistern or storage tank. It’ll also transfer the liquid so you don’t have to manually carry it inside!

What Does It Mean When There Is a Green Roof?

  • When your off-grid water tower has a green roof, it means that the lid is made out of vegetation rather than metal or plastic! Just like with living roofs, these are great for keeping temperatures down which helps you save money.
  • They also help insulate your house and keep moisture in which means you’ll never have to worry about leaks or condensation!
  • The downside is that green roofs aren’t as sturdy as metal ones and they might not be able to hold as much weight. It’s important to consider this before choosing one for your off-grid house because it could cause problems if you make a mistake!


Do They Still Build Water Towers?

Water towers are actually still very popular and they work well for off-grid water collection. If you want an old-fashioned look, this is a good option because it’s just like the ones that were around when your parents or grandparents were kids! It can be painted whatever color you’d like too which is good if you want to add some personality.

Do Water Towers Get Moldy?

Most off-grid tanks are made out of metal or plastic so they don’t get moldy like stone water towers! If you have an old-fashioned one for your off-grid house, it can be painted with a mold inhibitor before installation.

What is the Biggest Water Tower in the World?

The biggest off-grid water tower in the world is actually located right here in the US and it’s surrounded by trees! It has a green roof which means you can also use this as an outdoor shower if you want to.

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