reducing magazine clutter | SIMA

In an effort to reduce the clutter in my home, I recently decided to toss every magazine I’d been saving… except for issues of the now-defunct Domino. Before they hit the recycling bin, however, I flipped through EVERY SINGLE ONE — about 50 mags — tearing out articles I wanted to re-read or save for future reference. With extra room on my bookshelf, I definitely feel as though a weight has been lifted off my shoulders, but now I need to figure out what to do with the stack of random articles I’ve accumulated! There’s got to be 150-200 pages of information there! Obviously I need to file them somewhere, either in categorized folders or binders. Ugg, this process is never-ending…

In exciting news, the cable company is coming this afternoon to install cable in my home office so I’ll be able to have the TV playing in the background while I blog and surf the web. Pretty soon this room will be 100% functional, and I predict I will be spending quite a bit of time in it in the upcoming months. I rearranged my furniture so that my desk is in front of a window, and I’m loving being able to peer into our lush backyard as I type this. I actually feel, well, a bit like a professional and extra motivated. Sometimes all you need to do is set the stage in order to get into character.

(photo by me)