Basil is a great herb to have in your garden. Not only does it provide you with fresh basil for cooking, but it also can grow into a bushy plant that will produce plenty of leaves. Basil likes well-drained soil and sun. It’s important to water the plant regularly so that its roots don’t dry out and become susceptible to disease. Keeping the plant trimmed will result in bushier growth as well! Here are some tips on how to care for this beautiful herb.
Keep Your Basil Warm
One of the most important things to know how to do when growing basil is how to keep it warm. Basil comes from tropical regions, so you need to make sure that your plant doesn’t get too cold at night. Planting in containers rather than directly into the ground will help with this problem because you can bring them indoors during colder nights or place a protective cover over the top of them.
- Keeping Your Basil Well Watered
Basil is also very sensitive to how much water it gets, so you need to be sure that your plant’s soil stays moist without being too wet or soggy. This means watering regularly and checking up on how dry its soil is by sticking your finger into the ground. Basil will grow best when its soil is moist, but not wet.
Measuring how much sun your basil gets each day can help you ensure that it’s receiving enough light to produce more leaves and keep them green. If your plant isn’t getting enough sunlight, consider moving it so that it does or adding some kind of reflective surface to its area.
- Be Sure Basil Gets Enough Sunlight
Basil needs a lot of sunlight in order to grow well. If your plant isn’t getting enough light, consider moving it or adding some kind of reflective surface nearby.
- Early Harvest
You can harvest basil leaves at any time, but you’ll get the most out of your plant by harvesting its leaves early. This will encourage your plant to grow more and produce bigger leaves for longer periods of time
- Trimming for a Bushier Basil Plant
You can also help your plant grow into a bushy shape by regularly trimming off the top parts of it that are growing too tall. If you leave these branches alone, they will continue to get taller and taller until there’s no room left in your garden because all the space will be taken up by the plant’s branches. Luckily, it’s very easy to snap off these parts of your basil bush with your fingers or a pair of scissors!
The Benefits of Growing Basil
There are a lot of benefits to growing your own basil. First, it’s very easy and quick! Once you have enough leaves for cooking or other purposes, just snip the branches off at their base with scissors or your fingers. You can also give away some of these cuttings as gifts if you’d like!
Second, fresh basil is a great addition to any meal. You’ll be able to make your own pesto and other Italian pasta, as well as add it fresh to salads or sandwiches before enjoying them.
Third, growing basil in the summertime can keep pesky bugs away from your outdoor gatherings! Basil plants produce their own insect-repelling oils that will keep bugs away from your family’s cookouts and outdoor activities.
Fourth, many people grow basil just because it looks great in the garden! It has a very bushy shape that is unique to any other plant you may have grown around it. If you’re looking for an herb with beautiful contrast against its vibrant green leaves, basil can definitely do the trick!
Fifth, growing basil can help you save money. You’ll be able to make your own pesto and other Italian pasta that are much healthier than pre-packaged store-bought ones. Buying these ingredients at the grocery store will also end up costing a lot more in the long run.
Sixth, it’s very easy to give your basil plant a “haircut” or trim it into the shape you want. If you have branches growing too tall, just snip them off at their base with scissors or your fingers! This will help keep your garden looking great and encourage more leaves to grow over time.
Seventh, it’s easy to move your plant inside when the weather gets colder. If you live in a climate where the temperature drops below 50°F at night or during winter months, be sure to bring your basil indoors before sunset so that it doesn’t get too cold. Leave your plants outside for longer periods of time if they’re staying above 50°F at night.
Eighth, it’s great for your garden because you can attract bees and other pollinators to it! Basil is a bee-friendly plant that will benefit from having more wildlife around it. It also makes for a very inviting addition to any yard or outdoor space.
Providing Proper Care for Basil
Once you know how to care for basil in all aspects, growing this herb is simple and straightforward. Just give it sun, keep its soil moist, and trim it regularly to keep the plant’s growth under control. With this combination of knowledge about how to grow basil as well as how long you should wait between each step of care, you can be sure that your garden will have a healthy supply of fresh basil for cooking!
How Do I Make My Basil Thicker?
You can make your basil plant grow thicker by trimming off the top parts of it that are growing too tall. If you leave these branches alone, they will continue to get taller and taller until there’s no room left in your garden because all the space will be taken up by the plant’s branches. Luckily, it’s very easy to snap off these parts of your basil bush with your fingers or a pair of scissors!
Can Basil Grow too Tall?
If you’re looking for how to make basil grow bushy, then this is a great question! Basil can absolutely get too tall and begin taking up all the room in your garden. If this happens, just snip off any parts of it that are growing above where you want them to be at their base with scissors or your fingers!
How Do You Revive Overgrown Basil?
Overgrown basil can be revived by simply trimming off more of the plant’s branches. If it has gotten too tall and is taking up all your garden, snaps them back to how you want them at their bases with a pair of scissors! This will help encourage new parts of the bush to grow again so that everything stays under control more efficiently.