If you are interested in buying land for homesteading, then what state offers the best deal? That’s what this article aims to find out. It will also look into what factors to take into account when looking at the cost of buying land, how much space is needed to homestead. There is plenty of information… Continue reading Best States to Offer Free Land
Living on a Homestead Simple Life
Life on a homestead is one of life’s great pleasures. Many people dream about taking back to basics and living life in the isolation of their homestead while still having access to modern-day life conveniences. For many, life changes for reasons beyond their control and it becomes necessary to live off-grid. That doesn’t mean you… Continue reading Living on a Homestead Simple Life
How to Build an on-off Grid Hydroelectric Generation
In this article, I’m going to tell you how you can build your micro-hydro generator and use it to have cheap electric power at home or in an off-grid cabin. There are many benefits to building micro hydropower. If you live off the grid it is a great way to generate hydropower and still have… Continue reading How to Build an on-off Grid Hydroelectric Generation
How to Make a Simple Beehive 101
Bees are a lot more interesting than they appear to be. The art of beekeeping will keep you engaged for a long time and at some point, it can even become a profession. Bee farming is not as difficult as it may seem to be once you have a comprehensive understanding of it. A beehive… Continue reading How to Make a Simple Beehive 101
Tips for How Raising Baby Chicken in Several Ways
There are a lot of ways that can be done to raise baby chicks. In this article, we will give examples as well as the advantages and disadvantages of each method. Read more as below: There are several ways to raise baby chickens which are easy to do at home: There are several ways to… Continue reading Tips for How Raising Baby Chicken in Several Ways
Easy Steps to Grow Low Maintenance Vegetables
In this modern world where everyone is looking for a perfect life with less effort, low maintenance vegetables are most wanted. Everyone wants to have a beautiful front yard or backyard garden but they don’t want to spend too much time taking care of it every day. There is no need to worry if you… Continue reading Easy Steps to Grow Low Maintenance Vegetables
Guide for Keeping Farm Records for Best Results
Keeping farm records has been a longstanding tradition for farmers. For most beginning farming operations, keeping track of everything is overwhelming and impossible. However, as your farming operation matures, you will find that farm record keeping becomes more important than ever before. What is a farm keeping record? Farm record keeping is a vitally important… Continue reading Guide for Keeping Farm Records for Best Results
Useful Essentials Homesteading That You Need It
When you are a homesteader, having all the equipment and supplies that you need is very important. Some of those might require a lot of money, but some can be bought on the cheap. If you want to save money while starting your homesteading activities, then consider buying these items below. Here is a list… Continue reading Useful Essentials Homesteading That You Need It
Simple Guide to Compost 101 at Home
Composting is a natural recycling process that breaks down organic matter such as food and yard waste into nutrient-rich soil. By adding compost to your garden, you can improve the quality of the soil and grow healthier plants–and save money on fertilizer and water bills in the process! Composting in your garden or home will… Continue reading Simple Guide to Compost 101 at Home
Most Effective Methods for Rainwater Harvesting
Rainwater is one of the most common harvested water sources. Rainwater can be collected and stored for various purposes, such as using it to water plants, flush toilets, clean surfaces and even drink (although this is highly discouraged). Most people want to store rainwater for future use or need. There are many methods of harvesting… Continue reading Most Effective Methods for Rainwater Harvesting